Helping Create the Most Desired Tournament & Music tourist Destination in Canada – St. Laurent, Manitoba
what we are looking for
A Tiny House Manufacturer to provide to us a number of units, over the course of ten years, and to work with us to achieve the desired number of units.
We will enter into an Agreement with the Manufacturer most capable, willing, and interested.
The Tiny House should be 10 m in Length x 3.7 m in Width & 3 m in Height.
With a long horizontal window. Fully furnished with everything. Ready to “plug” in.
We need the exact cost in Canadian $, per unit, delivered to St. Laurent, Manitoba, Canada. The time frame to build, and ship, and for us to receive, each unit. Including Excise Tax, Shipping, other Taxes etc.
Would be nice if we could get a small electric fireplace in each unit, as well.
The Cube 2 series, CSX
We are open to discussing a reasonable facsimile of these units.
That will not compromise the durability nor the effectiveness against cold weather.
Up to – 30 – 40 Celsius.
A layout of a community “village” would be appreciated.
a unique special bonus
Normally sponsors receive a questionable benefit for sponsoring a charity or event.
We, at Music City Manitoba have a much different approach.
A unique, special bonus has been created especially for a Tiny House Manufacturer, which we believe will benefit them greatly.
It is our intention to give one of these Cube 2 series, CSX away each year, to one of our clients, over the next 10 years. After each 118,000 Music City Manitoba Pass is sold.
All houses must be top of the line, fully furnished with all up to date equipment & technology.
what we will do for nestron
The Music City Manitoba Corporation will agree to purchase (Ten) Cube 2 – CSX in year 1, and dozens more per year for a period of 10 years, or until we reach the approximately 934 units in total, that we require.
The Music City Manitoba Corporation will agree to pay $10.00 per Music City Manitoba Pass that is sold. (Payments will start on the day we sell the 1st Pass, until each of the 1st 10 units are paid in full – then we work on the next group)
(Estimated to be 118,00 passes per year) for 1st 4 years & 1,560,000 per year for the following 6 years.
Music City Manitoba Corporation will also include numerous Radio and TV mentions during our media campaign.
As well as 865 – 60 second advertisements per 59 Day Event for each year on our Indoor LED screens, for 4 years.
And 1436 – 60 second advertisements per 59 Day Event for each year on our Outdoor LED Screens for 4 years.
Music City Manitoba will also provide Nestron with a full page on this website for 4 years.
We will display one Nestron unit at our venue site for at least the 59 days, during our summer events, and promote your homes, and whatever Nestron may deem appropriate, at no cost, for 4 years.
Music City Manitoba will also make the Tiny House Manufacturer a Private Black Gold Member.
Number of units per year
Depending on the cost per unit, and the cooperation we receive from the Manufacturer.
Year 1 – 10 Units
Year 2 – 28 Units
Year 3 – 112 Units
Year 4 – 112 Units
Year 5 – 112 Units
Year 6 – 112 Units
Year 7 – 112 Units
Year 8 – 112 Units
Year 9 – 112 Units
Year 10 – 112 Units
A Complimentary Kiosk
depending on the cost per unit The value of this proposal could be worth as much as
$xx,xxx,xxx.00 over 10 years.
for the Rent, Lease, Loan, Use, or Purchase of one unit.
For display and promotional purposes.
All units must be top of the line with all up to date equipment & technology.
These units must be able to withstand extreme cold weather.
our giveaways!
giveaway #1
June 28 - July 4, 2026
giveaway # 2
giveaway # 3
July 12 - 18, 2026
1st year Enterainment
Schedule of each can be seen under each heading.
Sweet Sounds of Sundays
The Welcoming Committees
The Barn Dance
The Last 7 Days
multiple mentions on radio & TV media
Four years
billboard bonus
July 26 - August 1, 2026
black gold vip membership
Four years.
what more do you want?
A schematic layout of a community “village” would be greatly appreciated.