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Athletes compete in a throwing contest by launching a javelin with a metal tip as far as they can. It calls for a blend of power, strength, coordination, timing, and precision. Since 1908 for men and 1932 for women, this ancient game has been a standard part of the schedule for the modern Olympic Games.

 The Runway                                                                    The javelin runway is 4 meters (13 feet) wide and 36 meters (118 feet) long. The players will run with the javelin down this runway before reaching the throw line, from which they must stop and toss the javelin

The Throw Area

The throw area is a triangular region of the field that starts from the runway and goes up to over 100 meters (330 feet), the field widens at a 29-degree angle. There are arced lines marking every 10 meters on the throwing area.


The length of the men’s javelin must be between 2.6 and 2.7 meters (8 feet 7 inches to 8 feet 10 inches), while the length of the women’s javelin must be between 2.2 and 2.3 meters (7 feet 3 inches to 7 feet 7 inches).

The minimum weight of a man’s javelin is 1.8 pounds, whereas a woman’s javelin weighs 1.3 pounds. Throwers wear shoes with spikes. A maximum of 11 spikes are allowed on the shoe, and they must be no longer than 12 mm (or .5 inches) and no wider than 4 mm (or .15 inches).

Throwers are only permitted to use chalk to improve their grip; they are not permitted to tape their hands unless injured

Male & Female Competitions


The Throwing Order                                            Most javelin throw tournaments start with 10-20 players. Each player will initially get 3 tries to throw their javelin as far as possible. After each player has gone 3 times, the top 8 throwers move on to the next round. The top 8 players then get 3 more tries to throw the javelin as far as possible.

Throwing Rules

The athlete must hold the javelin with one hand on the cord grip in order to throw it correctly. Gloves are prohibited, and tape on the fingers is only acceptable to cover an open cut. Throwing the javelin requires an over-shoulder motion. The javelin must be in the air before the contestant may turn away from the throwing location.


The tip of the javelin must strike the ground before any other part. The javelin must also be within the triangular boundary. Additionally, the javelin must leave a recognizable mark on the ground inside the throwing area’s boundaries. Referees gauge a throw’s distance from the part of the javelin that is closest to the throw line.


A referee places a white flag for a fair throw or a red flag for a foul after each throw. There are various kinds of fouls. A red flag means that the shot does not count, and the player cannot retry the attempt.

  • A thrower’s foot touches outside the throw line.
  • The javelin lands outside of the boundary lines.
  • The player steps outside of the runway line.
  • The javelin is thrown underarm.

One of the most important rules is that throwers are not allowed to turn their backs to the field from the moment they are in throwing position until the javelin is released. The javelin must be released with just one hand and hurled fluidly up and over the arm.

End of Game

The player with the best throw out of all six tries wins the match. If the best throw is tied with another player, the player with the highest second-best throw wins

June 18 – August 15, 2026

11:00 AM – 1:00 PM

1st Baseball Field

Limited number of contestants per day

A Music City Manitoba Pass required.

The objective of javelin throw is to hurl a narrow cylindrical hollow spear the furthest distance possible. Throwers must abide by a set of rules for their throws to count as valid.

For the throw to be counted, the javelin must land tip first inside the bounds of the landing sector. The javelin, however, needs to only make a mark on the ground and doesn’t necessarily need to stick in the ground or ‘break turf’.

The athlete must hold the javelin at the grip with one hand. Wearing gloves on the throwing hand is not allowed. Athletes may tape their fingers as long as it doesn’t provide any additional assistance during the throw. Judges check tapings before competitions. Taping two or more fingers together is also not allowed.

Throughout the entire process of the throw, the javelin must be kept at an overhand position, i.e. over the shoulder or upper part of the throwing arm.

Participants will need to conform their techniques to a set of fixed rules. Athletes also cannot turn their backs to the landing sector until the throw is completed.

While releasing the javelin and before it lands, athletes must stay behind the throwing arc or foul line.

Each contestant will have 5 throws. All throws will be averaged out, to create their average distance. That will be registered as their competition score.

prize money

1st place – 

2nd place –

3rd Place –

4th Place – 

5th Place –

6th – 10th Place

$2,000.00 + Music City Manitoba Gold Card

$1,000.00 + Music City Manitoba Gold Card

$     500.00 + Music City Manitoba Gold Card

$      250.00 + Music City Manitoba Hat & T-Shirt

$      125.00 + Music City Manitoba Hat & T-Shirt

$100.00 + Music City Manitoba Hat & T-Shirt

all prizes awarded on the last day of event