Revenue Gross Sales
U – Drive MCM Day Passes x 59 x 380 x $130.20 = $ 2,919,084.00
(380 people x 59 Days = 22,420 people)
MCM Day Passes – 59 Days x 500 x $130.20 = $ 3,840,900.00
(500 people x 59 Days = 29,500 people)
3 Day / 2 Nights Motor Coaches
– 21 Cycles x 10 Buses x 56 x $130.20 pp = $ 1,531,152.00
(560 people x 59 Days = 33,040 people)
4 Day / 3 Nights Motor Coaches
– 21 Cycles x 5 Buses x 56 x $171.15 = $ 1,006,362.00
(280 people x 59 Days = 16,520 people)
6 Days/ 5 Nights Motor Coaches
– 21 Cycles x 5 Buses x 56 x $643.65 = $3,784,662.00
(280 people x 59 Days = 16,520 people)
Total number of people per day is 2000 or 118,000 for 59 Days
Total MCM Bus Passes Revenue = $13,082,160.00
Sponsorships – 100 x $10,000.00 = $ 1,000,000.00
– 50 x $20,000.00 = $ 1,000,000.00
– 20 x $40,000.00 = $ 800,000.00
– 10 x $100,000.00 = $1,000,000.00
– 3 x $1,000,000.00 = $3,000,000.00
Total Sponsorship Sales = $6,800,000.00
LED Screen Advertising (5 Screens)
Indoor (15 Hours) x 900 x $6.67/spot x 59 days x 5 Screens = $1,770,885.00
Outdoor (24 Hours) x 1440 x $6,67/spot x 59 days x 5 Screens = $2,833,416.00
Lawn Chair & Tent Rentals = ?
Rental of Food Trucks etc. = ?
Finals of Tournaments = ?
Black Gold Memberships = $ 432,000.00
= $ 5,036,301.00
Controllable Expenses $100,000.00
Advertising, Flyers & Promotions $1,000,000.00
Payroll Taxes & Benefits $2,000,000.00
Fencing $ 250,000.00
Entertainment $1,500,000.00
Giveaways $1,333,000.00
* Prizes $1,500,000.00
Food Costs $7.00 x 118,000 people $ 826,000.00
Tents 112 x $45.00 $ 5,040.00
Other Camping Equipment $ 40,000.00
Lawn Chairs 2000 x $22.00 $ 44,000.00
LED Screen – (5 to start) x $17,640.00 $ 88,200.00
Lawn Tables etc. @ $400.00 x 200 Tables $ 80,000.00
100 Indoor Tables @ $100.00 $ 10,000.00
Operating Costs $ 100,000.00
Office / Rent
Phones/ Computers / Utilities $20,000.00
Booking Program $ 4,000.00
Equipment $ 40,000.00
Hotels (In Coming) Bands –
Clients –
Equipment (Backline, Sound/Light Systems, 3 Boats, etc.) $ 250,000.00
3 Water Skiing Boats (coming)
Commissions & Profit Sharing
$10.00 x 1 (59 Days x 2000) $ 1,180,000.00 $ 3.00 x 5 (59 Days x 2000) $ 1,770,000.00
$ 1.00 x 10 (59 Days x 2000) $ 1,180,000.00
The Armadillo Structure $1,000,000.00
Ground, Field & Water area preparations $ 15,000.00