A video message would be perfect

A sample welcome

Prevost  is excited with the prospect of sponsoring Music City Manitoba – St. Laurent

We are grateful for the opportunity to help create the most Desired Music & Tournament Tourist Destination in Canada.

With the influx of up to 1.5 Million tourists per year, to the great town of St. Laurent, and to Manitoba, it will be in the forefront of the most exciting tourist destinations in Canada.

Since our founding in 1924 to the present day, this is something that fits right in with our vision at Prevost, and we are looking forward to working with the team at Music City Manitoba – St. Laurent in the very near future.

                                                                          Francois Tremblay – President of Prevost


It’s a legacy of values that are passed along from one generation of Prevost people to the next; from our birthplace in Sainte Claire, Quebec, to every facility we operate; and to each of our converter partners. Our values are simple: an uncompromising commitment to quality, a drive for constant innovation and improvement, and dedication to safety and sustainability in every aspect of our business. Our heritage is crafting the finest motorhomes in the world for those who appreciate the value of a solid foundation.


35 Gagnon Boulevard

St. Claire, Quebec   –  G0R 2V0

Phone: 418.883.3391


Heritage is much more than history. It is a legacy of values  that is passed along from one generation of Prevost people to the next.  From our birth place in Sainte Clarie, Quebec to every facility we operate, and to each of our  converter partners.

Our values are simple ,  an uncompromising commitment to quality , a drive to constant  innovation and improvement and dedication to safety and sustainability  in every aspect of our business

Our heritage is crafting the finest motor coaches  in the world for those who appreciate the foundation of a solid foundation.

(Maybe get photos & contact info on important heads of divisions).




a proposal to prevost

This proposal will not be a part of your web page.



The Music City Manitoba Corporation intends to purchase up to 24 new Prevost Passenger Motor Coaches from Prevost, in the next 10 years.

The Music City Manitoba Corporation intends to purchase 1 – 6 new Prevost Luxury Motor Coaches from Prevost in the next 10 years.

The Music City Manitoba Corporation will pay to Prevost up to $9,860,000.00 in the next 10 years, as an incentive.

(This is – $1.00 / ticket that we sell to Music City Manitoba in the next 10 years.                                                                                          On a monthly basis, beginning two months after we start selling the tickets).

Prevost will receive a LED Video Screen in the most prime location available on the property.                                                            (Your choice of Interior, Exterior & Size. Prevost can run as many 60 commercials as they deem appropriate  on that screen for the next 10 years. (Up to 15 hours per day)

Prevost will be included in our large and significant advertising and promotional campaigns throughout Canada & The United States for 10 years.

Prevost will receive an Indoor Kiosk designed specifically for Prevost for 10 years ( we will use the Luxury Coach for this purpose for the first 4 years) We will even provide tours of the Motor Coach, and take qualified customers that are interested in buying one of these motor coaches, and forward them to your sales people, at no charge.

Prevost will receive the use of a Glamping Pod for 7 days per year, for 10 years. When they are ready.                                                  The Glamping Pod will be named after Prevost.

Prevost will receive a Tax Write-Off for the cost of the Sponsorship. The value of that coach will determine, how much.

Prevost will enjoy the fact that they have helped in the creation of the most desired Music & Tournament Destination in Canada. 

Prevost should enjoy the sales of many more buses from our bus suppliers, as we move 1.5 million per year to Music City Manitoba over the years. We actually need up to 90 motor coaches to move that number, on a rotating schedule, after year four. We will insist that the suppliers we use have fairly new Prevost Coaches.

At this time we have 3 companies that will supply us with 12 various types of coaches each, for the first four years, to handle the volume, for the first four years.

Prevost will be invited to award the keys to the winner of,  “The Great Music City Manitoba  Treasure Hunt” when it is discovered, at a huge Televised Event.

This will garner huge interest and publicity, thus further showcasing Prevost!


One new or previously owned Luxury Motor Coach from Prevost on a Contra (no charge) basis.

This will serve as the Major Treasure for our Great Music City Manitoba – Treasure Hunt.

We will display this motor coach throughout Manitoba, and neighbouring provinces & states, at all our Preliminary Events throughout the first 4 years, and a motor coach, within our entertainment complex, the following 6 years.


We are also interested in having Prevost manufacturer  these types of shuttle vehicles, (Black & Gold), if all possible, or if Prevost has something similar, that would suffice.


Our Company’s purpose is to bring first class entertainment, on a regular basis, at the lowest possible price, to Manitoba, while providing low cost, accommodations, and a consistent transportation program, to all of Canada and the United States. Having as many people as possible visiting Manitoba and offering them amazing entertainment is at the core of what we want to accomplish, and to provide our most treasured sponsors with over 20 times the value of their costs.

Some of the extra Benefits for Prevost